Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monday WAGS Trip

From this trip:
Items : 25
Regular Price: 59.58
OOP: 19.40
Savings: 67%
RR Left: 4.00

This Month:
Items : 56
Regular Price: 105.07
OOP: 41.69
Savings: 60%
RR Left: 4.00

NOT BAD! I went on Monday, took this picture on Monday, and started this post on Monday. But now it's Thursday and I never finished it until now, soooo check out all of this week's deals here. (Since I'm now being lazy)

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Wow, I really need to learn your coupon tricks. I love me some m&m's. And usually I'd spend more on the m&m's than you did on your entire loot!